
Archive for September 23rd, 2009

Can you tell I listened to Dr. Horrible on my way in today? 🙂 Some thoughts for this too-warm and muggy Wednesday:

  • Yes, it is late September and it is too warm for my liking. My apartment gets no air and is on the third floor so it is still decently warm in there. Enough that I have had to have my air conditioner on at nights. I’ll be really happy when the temps start going down for real.
  • I’ve been using so much of this space lately for television and I apologize if that’s getting boring for people. I’ve realized, two weeks into the new fall TV season, that I’m not watching more television than I did over the summer believe it or not. The difference is that over the summer, I was watching shows on DVD, reruns, and a lot of random crap on the channels nobody watches. Now, I’m watching all new stuff. A lot more fun!
  • Jon Stewart made me cry just a little bit last night. I’ll let you go figure out why.
  • Good friend Katie is coming tomorrow to stay with me for a week. Very much looking forward to it. We always seem to have a good time here in Boston. Today is going to be rough though as the apartment is not even close to ready for a guest. No sleep for me tonight.
  • I have not been following politics or the health care debate much at all lately. I only feel semi-guilty about this. I did see Pres. Obama on Letterman on Monday night and I feel pretty much the same way I felt after Obama gave that speech a few weeks back. If what he is saying is true and if what he is proposing actually can work, I’m all for it. It’s horrible to say but I think I got burned out on this stuff during the election. I have to make an effort to start reading more of the news.
  • For those of you who are curious, I will be working at the theater again this season but not as much as last year. I already have the schedule through November and it is fairly light. Also for those of you who are curious, I only have one shift with that person and not until mid-November. 😦
  • I am absolutely shocked that the NFL and coaches allow players to Tweet during and after games regarding games and work. Some of these guys are getting ridiculous. A linebacker from the Redskins started going off on fans that were booing the team. Go find what he said because it is pretty horrible. If I were a Redskins fan, I’d seriously consider switching teams. Luckily (so far), the Patriots seem to be keeping a lid on that kind of thing. ETA: Here is the link from SI.com. Apparently the guy has left Twitter now.
  • Working on a big project here at work since Monday. Hoping to get it done today but we’ll see. This one is a bit out of my league.

Ok, I have one television related thing to say:

  • Am I the only one really digging Bob and Jillian working together on Biggest Loser this season? They are pretty dang cute together. They even wore matching outfits at the weigh-in! I wonder if you can write fan fiction about a reality show…

One of these days I’ll have something important to say on here. 🙂

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